LiftBoy App Instructions

0 Table of contents

1 Starting the app for the first time

2 Lift search and display

3 Active operation of lifts

3.1 Lift control menu

3.1.1 Simple lift call
3.1.2 Active destination selection
3.1.3 Manual start floor selection

4 Setting up favourites

5 Main menu

6 General settings of the app

1 Starting the app for the first time

After the LiftBoy app has been installed, it can be started for the first time on the smartphone. Afterwards, the user is asked in the Android version whether the app should receive permission to use the location service. Since location sharing in Android is related to Bluetooth LE, this must always be agreed to. Furthermore, the location services must be allowed in the operating system. (See Fig.: 1.1)

This query depends on the Android version. If this query does not appear when the app is started for the first time, these settings must be made in the general app settings under Android. (Android settings->Apps->Liftboy)

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Fig. 1.1: Location sharing for the Android app

After the permissions have been granted, the app starts. In addition to a welcome text, the app prompts you to accept the privacy policy. The greyed-out 'Start LiftBoy' button turns white as soon as the privacy policy has been accepted and this is symbolised by the corresponding tick. Now the actual app can be started by clicking on the button. (See Fig.: 1.2)

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Fig. 1.2: Start screen of the app after initial start-up

2 Lift search and display

After the initial setup, the app starts normal operation. It automatically searches search for lifts in the vicinity that are equipped with the LiftBoy system. system. (See fig.: 2.1)

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Fig. 2.1: Lift search

If one or more lifts are found, they are displayed. The lift is displayed with its predefined name and the radio reception strength. If communication is taking place in the background with one of the lifts found, this is indicated by the animated SCHAEFER logo in the lower part of the app and corresponding text below it. If communication is taking place in the background, the SCHAEFER logo is is animated with grey waves. (See Fig.: 2.2)

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Fig. 2.2: Communication with a LiftBoy-enabled lift in the background

In the upper third you will find the menu items 'Lifts in the vicinity' and 'Show all lifts'. Under 'Show all lifts' you will find all lifts ever discovered. in alphabetical order. Even if they are not within radio range. (see fig.: 2.3)

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Fig. 2.3: Display of all lifts

Likewise, if activated in the settings (see chapter 6), a push message will be displayed in the phone if a lift is detected in the reception area (see fig. 2.4).

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Fig. 2.4: Push messages when the LiftBoy app is running

3 Active operation of lifts

There are two ways to actively call a lift equipped with the LiftBoy system or to drive it to a certain floor. There are two ways to actively call a lift equipped with the LiftBoy system or to drive it to a certain floor.

In the menu 'Nearby Elevators' the lift can be selected directly. A submenu opens in which the item 'Operate lift' must be selected. (See Fig.: 3.1) Afterwards the lift control menu is opened. (see chapter 3.1)

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Fig. 3.1: Select lift

The second possibility is to access this area via the main menu (see chapter 5). reach. The main menu opens via the button with the three horizontal lines in the upper left area of the app. In the main menu, choose 'Call elevator'. (see fig.: 3.2)

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Fig. 3.2: Main menu of the app

3.1 Lift control menu

By default, the lift control menu includes 2 possibilities to actively control the lift. Either via the simple lift call ('Call') or the destination floor selection. ('Floor') (see Fig.: 3.3). There is also the possibility to choose a third option - the manual selection of the start floor, should the automatic detection of the start floor fail. This option can be enabled in the settings (see chapter 3.1.3).

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Fig. 3.3: Lift control menu.

3.1.1 Simple lift call

To actively call the lift via smartphone, select the menu item 'Call' in the lift control menu (horizontal menu above the SCHAEFER logo) and then press the large round call button in the middle of the app. Before the button is pressed, the upper part of the app shows 'call now' in grey letters under the lift name and in brackets behind it the floor to which the lift is to be called. (see fig.: 3.3) The LiftBoy app automatically detects this floor. If this detection is incorrect, it is possible to call the lift manually to the desired floor manually (see chapter 3.1.3).

If the call button is pressed in the app, this is symbolised by a wave movement away from the button on the smartphone display. on the smartphone display. A red wave animation also appears on the SCHAEFER logo in the lower part of the app and below a message in red letters showing what the app is currently doing. The red animation means that the LiftBoy app is actively communicating with the lift. (see fig.: 3.4) If the radio communication fails, press the call button again.

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Fig. 3.4: Simple lift call

After successful transmission to the lift, the call button in the display changes from red to green (see fig.: 3.4.1)

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Fig. 3.4.1: successful lift call

After a successful call, a new view opens automatically in which all possible destination floors of the lift are shown. These floors are displayed in turret view (scrollable from top to bottom) by default (see Fig.: 3.5).
This view can also be deactivated in the settings ('Interface settings') (see fig.: 3.9.1 and fig.: 3.9.2) and the floors are then arranged distributed over the entire display.

If a floor name is not yet known to the app at this point, the button in question will contain a default value, such as floor 0*. The * symbolises that the app does not yet know the individual floor name. In this case, the text 'Scan planned' is also displayed above the floor name in the button. At the latest when the user is near the still unknown floor with his smartphone, it will be recognised and the default value will be replaced by the individual floor name in the app.

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Fig. 3.5: Choice of destination

As soon as you are in the lift car, select the desired destination floor by pressing the corresponding button. After pressing the button, the app shows the active communication with the lift again by wave animation around the pressed button and by red waves above the SCHAEFER logo (see Fig.: 3.6).

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Fig. 3.6: Send lift to destination floor

3.1.2 Active destination selection

If you know which floor you want to go to before you call the lift or if you are already in the lift car without wanting to call the lift beforehand, you have the option of active destination selection. In this case, the destination floor is immediately transmitted to the lift. There are two scenarios that are automatically controlled by the LiftBoy app.

If the user is outside the lift car, this is registered by the app and the lift is called to the detected floor in the first step. (see Fig. 3.7). Once inside the cabin, the LiftBoy app then triggers the corresponding destination floor selection.

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Fig. 3.7: Destination selection outside the cabin

In scenario 2, the user is already in the lift car. If the app registers this, it shows this by displaying 'Execute direct car call' in grey letters under the lift name (in the upper part of the app). (see Fig.: 3.8)

This variant should be selected if the user is directly in the lift, but does not want to call it first via the call panel, but wants to drive directly to a desired floor.

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Fig. 3.8: Car call directly from the lift car

3.1.3 Manual start floor selection

With a simple lift call (see chapter 3.1.1) it can happen that the app detects the user on the wrong floor. The user sees this in the upper area of the app under the lift name. If this is the case, the user can activate a third menu item in the lift menu. To do this, the item Surface settings must be selected in the settings (see chapter 6) (see fig.: 3.9.1). In this menu, the item 'Lift call: extended view' must be activated (see Fig.: 3.9.2).

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Fig. 3.9.1: Settings menu
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Fig. 3.9.2: Interface settings

The user can then call up the item 'Start floor' in the lift control menu (see Fig.: 3.9.3). There the lift can be called to the desired starting floor.

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Fig. 3.9.3: Starting floor selection

After successful calls to the selected start day, the app prompts the user to move to the cabin and select the desired destination day (see Fig.: 3.9.4).

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Fig. 3.9.4: Floor election after the starting floor election

4 Setting up favourites

If lifts are used more frequently by a user, it is possible to create a favourite call for this user. This means that the lift automatically detects the user within radio range and the lift reacts according to the user's settings. The user can define from which starting floor to which destination floor the lift should bring the user and at which time of day and on which days of the week this should happen. This favourite call also works in background mode, so that the smartphone does not have to be unlocked or picked up. This function is currently still an experimental feature and depending on the radio environment or the number of users, the lift may not respond in real time.

After the smartphone has raised an automatic call, the lift is blocked for another automatic call for the next 90 seconds. However, an active call (see chapter 3) is also possible during the 90-second lock.

To create a favourite, the user can select the item 'Manage lifts' in the main menu (see chapter 5) and then select the desired lift (see fig.: 4.1). To set a favourite, select the item 'Save lift as favourite'.

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Fig. 4.1: Save lift as favourite

Then enter all relevant values for the favourite call in the following menu. Click on the individual points (see Fig.: 4.2) In addition to the lift name, which cannot be changed, an individual name can also be assigned for this favourite call in order to provide a better overview for several favourites.

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Fig. 4.2: Menu: Set Favourite

In the Favourites settings, the start and destination floors must first be set. (see Fig.: 4.3) It is recommended to select a defined floor as the start floor. If the start floor is arbitrary, the lift will be called to any floor in the time span set later, if the user is near this floor.

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Fig. 4.3: Set start and destination floor for the Favourite Call

Then select the time period in which the lift is to be controlled automatically (see Fig.: 4.4). It is important to note that it is not possible to make two different automatic calls of the same lift at the same time.

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Fig. 4.4: Time period for the automatic call

Finally, it must be determined on which days the automatic call is to be triggered (see Fig.: 4.5).

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Fig. 4.5: Selecting the days for the automatic call

When everything is set, select the 'Confirm' button at the top right of the app and the favourite will be saved and then displayed in the favourites menu (see Fig.: 4.6).

All saved favourite calls are listed in this menu. The menu can be reached at any time via the menu item 'Favourites' in the main menu (see chapter 5). Likewise, the favourites menu can be reached in the lift control menu (see chapter 3.1) via the star symbol at the top right of the app.

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Fig. 4.6: Favourites menu

If a favourite is to be edited, deactivated/activated or deleted, press the corresponding favourite for approx. 1 second. The favourite then appears on a red background and 4 buttons appear in the lower area (see Fig.: 4.7.1). Select the green button with the pencil for editing. Then set the favourite as described. (For example, see Fig.: 4.7.2 and Fig.: 4.7.2) The favourite can be activated or deactivated using the blue button without deleting it. To delete the favourite permanently, select the red button with the recycle bin. The editing of the favourite can be cancelled by pressing the grey button with the X.

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Fig. 4.7.1: Edit favourite
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Fig. 4.7.2: Edit Favourite - Example: Change individual name
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Fig. 4.7.2: Edit Favourite - Example: different individual names

5 Main menu

The main menu can be reached at any time in the app via the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left part of the LiftBoy app. The main menu can be closed again via the X in the top left-hand corner. (See fig.: 5.1)

Use elevator: Access to the lift control menu (see chapter 3.1)

Manage elevators: Access to the lift search (see chapter 2)

Favorites: Access to the favourite settings (see Fig.: 4.6)

Settings: Access to the general settings of the app (see chapter 6)

FAQ: Frequently asked questions

Manual: Access to the app's online manual

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Fig. 5.1: Main menu

6 General settings of the app

The general settings can be accessed in the app under the item Settings in the main menu (see 5)(see Fig.: 6.1).

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Fig. 6.1: Settings

By default, the app plays a sound and a push message when a lift is detected or when a favourite call is triggered. These settings can be adjusted according to individual preferences under the item 'Notification settings' (see Fig.: 6.2).

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Fig. 6.2: Notification settings

The surface settings enable the extended view in the call-up menu (see chapter 3 and chapter 3.1.3) and the display of the selectable floors in turret view. (see Fig. 3.9.2)

The preferred language can also be set in this menu (see Fig.: 6.3) and information about the app version, the imprint and data protection, as well as the instructions and FAQs can be found (see Chapter 5).

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Fig. 6.3: Language setting

The menu item 'Reset to factory settings' deletes all saved lifts, the individual settings and lifts that have already been found.